For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
Habakkuk 2:14
Annett and Adam met a few years ago in Istanbul where she was doing an internship in “Evangelism through Fine Arts” and he was leading a Student Missions Team working with refugees. God eventually brought them together and called them to build relationships and share the Gospel through a new ministry at a combined pension guest house and English language school in Annett’s childhood home: the former East German state of Saxony.
Annett trained as a product designer and photographer and is a certified nurse and hairdresser. Having grown up in the atheistic East German system, she didn’t meet Jesus until her twenties. The Holy Spirit immediately impressed upon Annett an urgent missions desire to go and tell others about how Christ had saved her. Annett has volunteered with local congregations around the world, and has worked with teams in ministries in France, Turkey, India, Nepal, China, Morocco, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, and Algeria.
Adam taught English language, literature, film, and writing as a university instructor in California and South Korea. While still a child in his Christian home, God began to nurture his heart towards world missions through a fascination with maps, stamp collecting, missionary stories, and a love for travel. He has crossed the borders of more than 100 countries, and taught students and trained teachers in South Korea, China, Mongolia, Japan, Hungary, Nepal, India, Kenya, Rwanda, and Brazil.
Any funds raised that exceed Mission Partner’s Total Cost of Missionary Service may be used to further support Mission Partner in missional activities, or Mission Partner may donate, after consultation with the Executive Director, any excess funds to one or more Mission Partners who are in good standing with MCN or to MCN’s General Fund. The purpose for this is that any funds raised are to support missional activities throughout the world.