Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20
Ashley was born and raised in California and grew up in a Christian home. Both her parents had a love for ministry which provided many experiences for Ashley to see Christ’s love being shared, both in the church and outside in her community. When she was eight years old she learned of the missionary Amy Carmichael, and after hearing about her mission work, she felt God calling her to be a missionary as well.
Her passion for missions and her desire to know more about God carried her through college, where she studied and received a BA in Theology at Concordia University Nebraska and graduated in 2017. Since then, Ashley has been serving with Stronghold Cambodia, a Christian Cambodian organization whose mission is to empower Cambodian communities for positive change through Christian care and learning.
For four years, Ashley served primarily as an ESL teacher with Stronghold, but also enjoyed learning and developing marketing skills, particularly the production of videos and managing social media promotion for Stronghold. Beginning in 2021, Ashley stepped into the new role of Marketing Manager for Stronghold, focusing on marketing and promoting Stronghold here in the USA. Although her time in Cambodia has decreased, her passion for Stronghold’s ministry and sharing the love of Christ remains strong. She invites you to join her in God’s mission through your financial and prayer support as she shares the love and hope of Jesus to all those she encounters, both in Cambodia and the United States.
Any funds raised that exceed Mission Partner’s Total Cost of Missionary Service may be used to further support Mission Partner in missional activities, or Mission Partner may donate, after consultation with the Executive Director, any excess funds to one or more Mission Partners who are in good standing with MCN or to MCN’s General Fund. The purpose for this is that any funds raised are to support missional activities throughout the world.