Considering Missions and Want to Attend?
About Concordia Mission Institute (CMI)
Every summer in July, the missionaries and staff of Lutheran Bible Translators and Mission of Christ Network gather from across the world on the campus of Saint Paul Lutheran High School in Concordia, Missouri, for a week of renewal and training.
The goal of CMI is for missionaries to receive the best training that they can possibly have before going or returning to their various mission fields. Gathering together from all over the world, missionaries learn from each other and from veterans and experts so they can build the skills and competencies needed to live and engage effectively in a cross-cultural setting.
Potential missionaries (Mission Explorers) are able to engage with Mission Partners who are on the field as all attending learn about their roles in the greater context of how God is working throughout the world. By being together and sharing in prayer, worship, and learning, participants in CMI are refreshed, refocused, and renewed before being sent back out to the mission field.
Throughout the CMI Summer Conference week, participants in CMI are educated on four Mission Perspectives identified by the leadership of Mission of Christ Network and Lutheran Bible Translators.
until CMI 2025
Ask About Mission Explorers
“I love how we are truly a community in God. We are joining Him on His mission, and in that mission we support, learn from, love, and guide one another.”
– Savannah, Mission Partner in Hong Kong
Four Mission Perspectives
God's Mission (Missio Dei)
Some might say that mission activity is begun and accomplished by churches, mission societies, or even individual people. However, we believe the process of going into the world to proclaim the Good News is God’s sending or Missio Dei.
Mission is derived from God’s nature. It is our Triune God moving in the world, calling, gathering and enlightening all people unto His free gift of salvation through Jesus Chris. The Missio Dei is implemented through His chosen instrument for proclamation, the Church. Any accomplishment in mission is God’s, not ours.
God’s sending into the world was occurring long before we came along and will continue long after our efforts in mission are finished. Our place in mission is simple. God is calling us at this time, and it is our privilege to participate in pointing others to Christ through the gospel that they may hear God’s calling and also know Him.
Christians stand alone before God, but on earth we are always in relation to a community that includes both those who trust in Jesus and those who don’t. When called to faith, we are also prepared and called to serve God as his instrument in the world by giving witness of God’s love to individuals in our communities. Our life in witness to others is our vocation as Christians.
We proclaim the love of God through good deeds done and in words of Gospel spoken. God gives no list of what must be accomplished in Christian vocation. He sends the Spirit to bring about love that discovers how best to help the neighbor in earthly and in spiritual things, and gives the strength and courage to accomplish those works of love.
God calls us to vocation not because he needs help, and not for the benefit of the person with the vocation, but for the good of the neighbor.
The Emmaus disciples were walking carrying a burden of fear and despair along with a passion for service and witnessing. As they walked, a stranger joined them and engaged himself in the conversation. He entered their conversation as a learner, empathized with them, related to their realities and ultimately brought his contribution. (Luke 24)
The outcome of this new relationship is known when the disciples join the rest of the group and share with excitement their blessings and discoveries. Walking together in the adventure of being partners in the gospel compels us to come together to learn the realities of our journey. It also requires a discovery of our humanity – our passions, concerns, fears, love, eagerness; in the end, all our blessings together with our expressions of frailty.
Our journey in mission develops this relationship of mutual discovery. Together we walk in love with respect and sensitivity toward each other and those to whom we witness.
As the people of God move out of the congregation, they engage all aspects of the the community without exclusion or favoritism. Through the power of God, lives and communities are transformed. Engagement includes advocacy for the disenfranchised or underprivileged and influence upon opinion leaders.
We encounter individuals and institutions in both the private and public marketplace spontaneously (woman at the well) and intentionally (Moses goes to Pharaoh). Through such encounters, God accomplishes His will.
As God’s people, we dare to engage the world where we do not control the outcome. The transformation of God’s creation is in His hands.
You're Invited!
Join us for CMI as a Mission Explorer.
Learn from experts about missiology, culture, Bible translation, spiritual warfare and more. Past speakers includee chief curatorial officer of the museum of the Bible, Dr. Jeff Kloha; 50-year veteran of Bible translation in Zambia, Dr. Ernst Wendland; former district president and former missionaries, Rev. Dr. Bob and Priscilla Newton; and more!
Worship, pray, reflect. Grow in faith and explore alongside others where God is leading you and how He’s calling you to serve in His Mission.
Get to know current missionaries who are back on furlough while serving with MCN and Lutheran Bible Translators all over the world.