We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters… Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.
1 John 3:16-18
Josh and Coco live in East Asia, together with children John and Sophie. Josh currently serves as executive director with Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation (CWEF), a non-profit rural development organization founded by Lutheran Christians. CWEF works with churches, schools, and local non-profits in rural communities in Asia to improve people’s lives and to share the love of Christ. Together with its partners, CWEF is equipping the local advocates and organizations in Asia who will make a lasting impact in their own communities. Previously, Josh served as operations director and service coordinator with CWEF and as communication specialist for the LCMS Asia region based out of Hong Kong.
Josh grew up in Jefferson City, Mo., where his home congregation is Faith Lutheran Church. He attended high school at Saint Paul Lutheran High in Concordia, Mo., and graduated from the University of Missouri, Columbia, with a marketing degree. He lived and worked in St. Louis, Mo., before moving to Hong Kong in 2008 to begin serving there. Coco was born in Yangzhou, China. After graduating from Nanjing University, she earned a master’s degree in international business from Birmingham University, England, before returning to Asia to work in media, nonprofit and the arts.
Please pray for Josh and Coco as they serve in Asia. Pray they are given faith and wisdom as they carry out their vocations. Pray for their spiritual and physical health, growth, and protection. Pray they are given opportunities to share the love of Christ, in word and deed, with their friends, family members, and everyone involved in CWEF’s work.
Any funds raised that exceed Mission Partner’s Total Cost of Missionary Service may be used to further support Mission Partner in missional activities, or Mission Partner may donate, after consultation with the Executive Director, any excess funds to one or more Mission Partners who are in good standing with MCN or to MCN’s General Fund. The purpose for this is that any funds raised are to support missional activities throughout the world.