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Our mission is to boldly, intentionally and faithfully make known the light, love and peace of Jesus Christ, by word and deed, to those around the world who live in spiritual disbelief, darkness and despair.


Mission Objectives

To multiply systematic and measurable involvement of congregations, organizations, professional church workers and individual Christians to reach as many people as possible with the precious Gospel of Christ.

To remove barriers that diminish effective Gospel proclamation or at least to not allow such barriers to stifle those efforts.

Core Biblical Values

All those involved with MCN accept and confess, without reservation, the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the written Word of God and the only rule and norm of faith and practice, especially the central teachings of Holy Scripture that Jesus Christ, the second person of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, alone is the Savior of the world, and that only out of grace for Christ’s sake through faith in Him is there forgiveness of sins, eternal life, and salvation (John 3:16; 1 John 2:2; Acts 4:12).

Our Beliefs

The Mission Belongs to God and Begins in the Heart of God

From God’s first promise that he would “take action” to save his people (Gen. 3:15), to His command to Abraham “to go” (Gen. 12:1-3), to His prophets who were sent throughout the Old Testament to give witness, to Christ’s command to the seventy “to go,” (Luke 10:1-3) and Christ’s command of Matthew 28:19, God is active in mission.

God’s Mission Is to and for Everyone

God’s desire is that all of mankind are to be saved. (1 Tim. 2:4) As such His Gospel is to be proclaimed throughout the world, with no exceptions (Luke 24:46-48; Acts 1:8).

God’s Mission Involves All Christians

All Christians are missionaries (1 Pet. 2:9). Christians are not only to live lives that glorify God (1 Pet 2:12) but are to seize every opportunity presented to share His Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ to all (1 Peter 3:15). While some may be called into the specific ministry of Word and Sacrament (the ordained), and some may be sent to accomplish specific tasks in missionary service (Acts 8:28-31). Whether through proclamation or mercy work, all are called to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8-10).

God’s Mission Is Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Not only was the Holy Spirit active with the Father and the Son in creation (Genesis 1:2) but the Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit (John 14:26, 16:7) so that mankind may receive the benefits of Jesus’ redemptive work (1 Co. 3:5-6). And, as the Holy Spirit empowered the church on the day of Pentecost to proclaim God’s message (Acts 2:33) so the Holy Spirit continues to empower all believers in Christ (1 John 4:13).

God's Mission Is Urgent

Every second of every day, people who do not through faith know Jesus Christ as their Savior, die an eternal death. (John 9:4). Yet, God’s desire is that all are to be saved (1 Tim. 2:4).

God’s Mission Must Be My Mission

As Christians, we must be prepared at all times to give witness (1 Peter 3:15) to the core of God’s mission proclamation (John 3:16). We cannot, therefore, leave the work of God’s mission to “the church” in general or to “others” for each of us is a personal ambassador for Christ to the world (2 Co. 3:2-3).

Samuel at Concordia High School in Hong Kong

Our Strategies

  • Identify Mission Opportunities Worldwide
    Work with existing networks of Christian people groups to build partnerships for Gospel Proclamation


  • Train People to Proclaim the Gospel
    Identify existing barriers and effectively address them


  • Connect Interests to Opportunities
    Multiply involvement in local, national, and international mission fields


  • Support MCN Mission Partners
    Establish relationships to support short and long-term cross-cultural mission work


  • Disciple at Home and Abroad
    Intentionally integrate mission with long-term discipleship internationally and in North American congregations and neighborhoods

Our Values

  • MCN values Intentional Gospel Proclamation. This means that without being offensive, we are always aggressively waiting for God’s timing to “give an answer to everyone who asks … the reason for the hope” that we have. (1 Peter 3:15)
  • MCN values the laity and their role in God’s mission. Lay people are great relationship builders through which the Gospel can be proclaimed. While the MCN board does have pastoral advisors, only laity can serve as board members.
  • MCN values the multiplication of Gospel witness through networks. Individuals, organizations, congregations and schools, nationally and internationally, form a network that enables mission involvement.
  • MCN values the capacity of congregations for mission and wants to empower them through the network to increase their ability to serve using best practices including age-appropriate mission.
  • MCN values congregational mentoring of other congregations for Gospel proclamation.
  • MCN values good vetting of mission opportunities so that God’s work can be done safely and well.
  • MCN values solid, Biblical training for individuals and congregations that recognizes that the mission belongs to God. Instruction in ESL, how to cross cultures, dealing with culture shock, appropriate methods of witness, etc., are part of MCN preparation.
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