Our Beliefs
The Mission Belongs to God and Begins in the Heart of God
From God’s first promise that he would “take action” to save his people (Gen. 3:15), to His command to Abraham “to go” (Gen. 12:1-3), to His prophets who were sent throughout the Old Testament to give witness, to Christ’s command to the seventy “to go,” (Luke 10:1-3) and Christ’s command of Matthew 28:19, God is active in mission.
God’s Mission Is to and for Everyone
God’s desire is that all of mankind are to be saved. (1 Tim. 2:4) As such His Gospel is to be proclaimed throughout the world, with no exceptions (Luke 24:46-48; Acts 1:8).
God’s Mission Involves All Christians
All Christians are missionaries (1 Pet. 2:9). Christians are not only to live lives that glorify God (1 Pet 2:12) but are to seize every opportunity presented to share His Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ to all (1 Peter 3:15). While some may be called into the specific ministry of Word and Sacrament (the ordained), and some may be sent to accomplish specific tasks in missionary service (Acts 8:28-31). Whether through proclamation or mercy work, all are called to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8-10).
God’s Mission Is Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Not only was the Holy Spirit active with the Father and the Son in creation (Genesis 1:2) but the Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit (John 14:26, 16:7) so that mankind may receive the benefits of Jesus’ redemptive work (1 Co. 3:5-6). And, as the Holy Spirit empowered the church on the day of Pentecost to proclaim God’s message (Acts 2:33) so the Holy Spirit continues to empower all believers in Christ (1 John 4:13).
God's Mission Is Urgent
Every second of every day, people who do not through faith know Jesus Christ as their Savior, die an eternal death. (John 9:4). Yet, God’s desire is that all are to be saved (1 Tim. 2:4).
God’s Mission Must Be My Mission
As Christians, we must be prepared at all times to give witness (1 Peter 3:15) to the core of God’s mission proclamation (John 3:16). We cannot, therefore, leave the work of God’s mission to “the church” in general or to “others” for each of us is a personal ambassador for Christ to the world (2 Co. 3:2-3).

Our Strategies
- Identify Mission Opportunities Worldwide
Build partnerships with Christian schools, churches, and organizations for the sake of Gospel Proclamation
- Equip People to Proclaim Jesus
Provide best-practice training and education to ensure clear, cross-cultural Gospel Proclamation in order that the Spirit might have free course to work in the hearts of those who don’t yet trust Jesus as their Savior
- Support All the Sent
Provide ongoing training and support for individuals and congregations sent to serve throughout the world
- Disciple at Home and Abroad
Connect new believers to communities of faith for continued spiritual growth
Our Values
- MCN values the foundational belief that the Mission is God’s and we follow Him.
- MCN values the priesthood of all believers and their role in God’s Mission. We are lay-focused and led by a board of laity.
- MCN values Intentional Gospel Proclamation. This means that we are always aggressively waiting for God’s timing to “give an answer to everyone who asks … the reason for the hope” that we have. (1 Peter 3:15)
- MCN values excellent training and support. Best-practice training “by missionaries, for missionaries” and excellent missionary care equips and enables mission partners to engage effectively in long-term, cross-cultural ministry.
- MCN values networking internationally and nationally. We believe mission happens in partnership.