“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! For I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
Sarah Parrish grew up in the Midwest with her parents, two sisters, and brother. Sarah was born in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, moved to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan when she was two years old, and then moved to Prior Lake, Minnesota where she has lived since the age of seven. With her dad being a pastor, she has been greatly involved in ministry, volunteering, and leading various ministries throughout her life.
Sarah is currently attending Concordia St. Paul as a student in the Christian Ministry program studying to be a Director of Christian Outreach and Education with a minor in Spanish. With the classroom part of her education coming to a close, Sarah will be serving with Lighthouse Ministries in Parrita, Costa Rica for her two-year internship.
Her desire to do mission work began in her first year of high school when she ventured on her first mission trip to Anapra, Mexico where she instantly fell in love with the people, culture, and mission work in general. After this trip, she traveled there three more times in the following years. She then attended service trips to Idaho, Michigan, and Alaska, as well as a two-week mission trip to Guatemala. She also volunteered to teach English online with Lighthouse Transformation Ministries.
Some of Sarah’s favorite things include spending time with her family, reading, hiking, playing with kids, puzzles, ice cream, coffee, and penguins!
Any funds raised that exceed Mission Partner’s Total Cost of Missionary Service may be used to further support Mission Partner in missional activities, or Mission Partner may donate, after consultation with the Executive Director, any excess funds to one or more Mission Partners who are in good standing with MCN or to MCN’s General Fund. The purpose for this is that any funds raised are to support missional activities throughout the world.