Rev. Dr. Mike Gibson has served as lead pastor at Christ Lutheran Church and School since August of 2006 in pursuit of the congregation’s vision of supporting, equipping, and launching people into mission locally and globally. His responsibilities include: oversight for all areas of the church and school, visioning and planning, preaching, core team leadership, stewardship development, capital fund projects, partnerships with boards, lay leadership development, and global mission engagement. He is a 1984 Master of Divinity graduate from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. His Doctor of Ministry degree, awarded in 1996 from Fuller Seminary, Pasadena, CA, is in organizational pathology and leadership.
Pastor Mike is engaged globally in China, Southeast Asia, and India. Mike’s personal interests include helping the Body of Christ understand the shift of Christianity to the Global South and the beneficial influence that the Global South can bring to the church in the post-Christian Global North.
Pastor Mike additionally serves as the part-time Director of the Great Commission Institute (GCI) at Concordia University Irvine. The purpose of the GCI is to ensure the continuation and expansion of Great Commission activity in all aspects of University life, academics, and local and global mission through faith-based vocational development and training in Gospel proclamation. Pastor Mike’s goal for the GCI is for it to become the leading voice in the US for the discovery of what God is doing within the church of the Global South and its benefit and integration within the church of the Global North.
Personal Purpose Statement: My purpose is to awaken within the Body of Christ a local and global perspective on the Mission of God and to influence organizational systems so as to free and empower them for mission fulfillment.
Blog: “23” and Other Stories of Faith
“23” is a collection of real stories and faith lessons that Pastor Mike has lived and heard along the way. Sign up to follow the blog and you will receive a notification each time a new story posts.