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Rev. Dr. Paul W. Mueller has served in elementary and university academic educational communities, church/congregational settings, and in international contexts around the United States and the world.

His work on the continent of Africa for almost eight years planting churches and developing pastoral leadership allowed him and his family to live and work upcountry in the jungle of Liberia with a small people group. After his 12 year university experience, he once again accepted a call to return to Africa to fill the Regional Director – Africa, LCMS World Mission position, managing the work of LCMS missionaries and engaging in active, collaborative partnership conversations, primarily with national leadership in Lutheran Churches in Africa, but also with other Lutheran partners from across the globe. He worked in 26 African countries.

After returning from Africa, Dr. Mueller served as the Administrative Pastor of a 2800 member LCMS church in Minnesota and as the Associate Executive Director of LINC-Twin Cities, continued to teach in the university, and served vacant congregations.

During his 12 year university teaching experience at Concordia University, St. Paul, MN (CSP), he was responsible for directing the Oswald Hoffmann School of Christian Outreach – OHSCO which offered mission workshops and seminars throughout the United States. He led many university mission trips across the globe and served on numerous mission focused boards and committees.

Rev. Dr. Mueller served as the Executive Director of the Center for Applied Lutheran Leadership (CALL) at Concordia University, Portland in a partnership with the Northwest District of the LCMS. He also was Director of Mission Training Center, (MTC), where individuals were prepared to serve in ministry roles, some being licensed as deacons who serve in Word and Sacrament ministries.

Paul continues to collaborate with leaders in the districts of the LCMS, especially the Mission and Evangelism Executives and outreach leadership in congregations and faith communities. He also continues to teach outreach courses in MTC.

Rev. Dr. Mueller earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Missiology from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN, (1996), his Master of Theology in Missiology from Fuller Theological Seminary and School of World Mission and Church Growth in Pasadena, CA (1991), a Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO (1983); and a Bachelor of Arts from Concordia University, St. Paul, MN (1977) in Elementary Education.

Paul, and his wife Joy are retired and have three married children and seven grandchildren.

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