Jon Niederbrach is an LCMS pastor’s kid and lifelong follower of Jesus by His grace. Born and baptized in Minot, ND, Jon spent his formative years in several places around the country as the family served in a variety of churches. Confirmed at Holy Cross Lutheran in Cypress, CA, southern California became “home” where Jon has been based ever since. He has been a member at MCN Network Congregation Christ Lutheran, Costa Mesa, CA for many years, serving in a variety of lay leadership positions including Board of Elders chairman, emerging leader mentoring, Bible class and small group leadership, capital campaign committees, church marketing and singing in choir.
Part of the rich experience of growing up as he did was spending time with many missionaries from all over the world. Jon has vivid memories of the amazing stories he heard around the dinner table and in worship as missionaries came home on furlough and shared what God was doing in far-flung places. These experiences created an enduring, lasting interest in God’s mission locally and globally. Jon has been blessed to participate in multiple mission projects including trips to Mexico and China, as well as leading his congregation’s participation with Mission India.
Jon graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Irvine. After more than two decades of experience in business-to-business marketing leadership and consulting, he is currently Chief Operating Officer for the Pacific Southwest District of the LCMS. Overseeing the various operations of the District as it resources almost 300 congregations and 150 schools, his two prime focus areas are executing on vision and identifying areas for quality and productivity improvement.
Jon is married to Miwa, an immigration attorney, and they are blessed with two grown children, Peter and Jaclyn.