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Would you also consider making a gift to the MCN General Fund?
General Fund gifts help send and keep mission partners in the field.
Right now – all gifts to the General Fund will be matched
until December 31, 2020 up to $50,000
Mission of Christ Network announces a special matching gift opportunity!
Special friends of Mission of Christ Network have offered to match dollar-for-dollar all gifts to the General Fund until December 31…up to a total of $50,000!
*Note: Gifts to specific mission partners will not be matched, only gifts made to the General Fund are eligible.
Why is the General Fund important?
Mission of Christ Network relies on gifts to the General Fund to send and keep mission partners in the field and ensure they have the resources to be successful. Just in the last six years we have increased mission partners in the field by 600%. The need for Gospel proclamation is urgent! And we are committed to sending those called into the mission field with as little financial strain as possible. That’s why we underwrite the cost of recruiting, equipping and supporting each mission partner through our General Fund. But we can’t do it without your help.
Gifts to the General Fund enable intentional Gospel proclamation through mission partners around the world by:
- Identifying and managing partnerships for mission partner placement
- Training mission partners for ministry
- Resourcing mission partners so they can be successful in their roles
- Supporting mission partners while they are overseas
- Recruiting more mission partners to serve
With your help, we can make sure more people learn about the light, love and peace of Jesus Christ.